
The cell therapy product ImmunoArt consists of in vitro expanded allogeneic MSCs from bone marrow, manufactured under the highest GMP standards. The final cell suspension is administered systemically as a bolus in a multiple dose regimen.

Due to its immunomodulatory capacity, the ImmunoART cell therapy product is suitable for the treatment of various diseases where the immune system is deregulated.
To date, 14 refractory acute GvHD patients have been treated without serious adverse events and complete remission has been achieved in some of them. It is important to start treatment as early as possible during the development of GvHD.
Zdravljenje rakavih obolenj, bolezni krvi in limfnega sistema
To date, 7 severe COVID-19 ARDS patients.
Zdravljenje pljučnih bolezni s pomočjo matičnih celic
A young patient with sacroiliitis reported pain relief and a decrease in inflammatory laboratory markers after multiple dosing.
Zdravljenje revme s matičnimi celicami
Pri preprečevanju brazgotinjenja se AdipoArt uporablja kot intradermalna injekcija v/okoli šivanega tkiva po operacijskem posegu.
Treatment of blood diseases with the help of stem cells.
Pri celično podprtem lipofillingu (t.i. obogatena maščoba) se suspenzija AdipoArt neposredno injicira ali se zmeša z maščobnim presadkom. Dodatek različnih progenitorskih celic v pripravku lahko poveča preživetje presadka.
AdipoArt se lahko uporablja za zdravljenje perianalnih fistul za spodbujanje obnavljanja tkiva in zmanjšanje vnetja.
Zdravljenje bolezni prebavil s matičnimi celicami
Pripravek AdipoArt lahko vzpodbudi obnavljanje tkiva in omogoči celjenje rane.

Already more than 20 patients treated.
