Yesterday’s dreams are today’s reality and tomorrow’s memories.
At GaiaCell, we are committed to evolution and continual development at the convergence of life sciences, medicine, the pharma industry, and ethics. For a quarter of a century, generations of GaiaCell researchers and developers have been educating not only professionals and the general public but, above all — ourselves. By following our dreams and sharing them with humankind, we are developing new advanced therapies and providing them to those who need them. All our work is based on core ethical values that are the foundation of all that Educell does and is committed to.
Dreams allowed!


GaiaCell is a contract development and manufacturing organisation (CDMO) operating in the field of cell-based therapeutics. The development of our own products, which have been successfully employed in clinics, provided us with crucial knowledge and experience that can be employed in future projects. We are collaborating with a strategic partner for the development of point-of-care (POC) networks, cell- and gene-based therapeutics, and technological platforms for use in cancer immunotherapy.

The production of cell preparations takes place in clean rooms designed and maintained according to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines. Class B clean rooms are equipped with laminar airflow hoods (cleanliness class A) in which key production steps take place. During the entire production process, we ensure quality control of intermediate and final products in accordance with the guidelines and the European Pharmacopoeia.

News from the world of advanced treatments

Hematopoietic stem cell and mesenchymal stem cell population size in bone marrow samples depends on patient’s age and harvesting technique

Rebolj K, Veber M, Drobnič M, Maličev E.
Cytotechnology. 2018 Dec; 70(6): 1575–1583.


Survival Rates of Various Autologous Chondrocyte Grafts and Concomitant Procedures. A Prospective Single-Center Study over 18 Years

Martinčič D, Mekač J, Drobnič M.
Cell Transplant. 2019 Nov; 28(11): 1439–1444.


Me2SO- and serum-free cryopreservation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells using electroporation-assisted delivery of sugars

Mutsenko V, Barlič A, Pezić T, Dermol-Černe J, Dovgan B, Sydykov B, Wolkers WF, Katkov II, Glasmacher B, Miklavčič D, Gryshkov O.
Cryobiology. 2019 Dec; 91:104-114.

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